2013年8月12日 星期一

【靈魂部落.SoulTribe】Wild Woman

Wild Woman By AspenCross 

Wild, Wild Woman,
Deep inside of me ~
Hear me now,
I set you free.

Help me remember,
I have forgotten
What it's like
To BE me.

Others' judgement
And then my own,
Have made me stuck
I feel alone.

I seek approval
From everywhere
And everyone
And can't accept my own.

What are you saying?
It can't be true -
I'm good enough?
Can it be true?

I'm fat,
I'm ugly,
And getting
Old too.

Please don't cry!
I will believe
I'm good enough
For you.

Life's lessons
Are hard
And with your help
I won't be blue.

Time has passed.
I've healed a lot.
I found a home
Where LOVE blooms.

I have my Sisters
from the Goddess,
Gifts from the Moon.

With Gratitude
And Love
In honor of my
Wild, Wild Woman
I howl at the Moon…

~Aspen Cross

